Letter from Scammer
My ResponseEgo Tech M.S Ext 18 Middelburg Mpumalanga South Africa. Tel:+27780407657 Email: rev.mathinusmorgan@aol.com We the above Egos Tech Church of GOD Mission use this media today to beg or ask you for a cash donation or contribution toward the building of our $2.5million dollars Congregational Church at 13 Lurkin Street Witbank Mpumalanga South Africa. We ask you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ to assist us in whatever way it may suite you to send us cash donation through this bank account details:- EGO TECH M.S BANK NAME: FIRST NATIONAL BANK CHEQUE ACCOUNT NUMBER: 62315986531 BRANCH NAME: MIDDELBURG MPUMALANGA COUNTRY: SOUTH AFRICA. We need $2.5million dollars for this project and we are believing GOD for that, but whatever amount pleaseds you help us and you will be richly rewarded by GOD in accordance to his riches in glory Amen. Remain bless in Jesus Name Rev.Mathinus Morgan
Dear Rev. Mathanus Moron,
I dare say that I, Colonel Sanders of the Church of Chicken, have done some research on your establishment and I am quite impressed. Only a man with the faith of a giant floomplatt and the brain of a gnat could be so effective at running such a noteworthy chantry.
Unfortunately, we are in a bit of a quandary. You see, you, my good sir, are a follower of Jebus. I, on the other hand, worship the powerful poultry GOD Chicken Joe.
Chicken Joe was no ordinary bird. He was a clothes wearing fellow right out of the gate. Suits, ties, top-hats, and everything else imaginable. Why once I even saw him wearing and ascot. But that wasn't why I decided upon worshiping. No, the reason he gained my faith was because he was as shrewd and cunning as any high-salaried litigator you've seen. He fought for the just of poultry everywhere. He even had commandments for his followers. Here are a few of them:.1. Solidarity. A chicken who wishes to stand alone must be respected and revered.
2. Confidentiality: Any chicken told a secret, shall faithfully keep that secret until the end of time.
3. Diversity: All chickens must be free to love who they wish.
Oh, the list went on and on. As you can see Chicken Joe was not too far removed from your Lord in his willingness to save the chickens. Now, I know that I am a man and not a bird. This is obvious to even someone as densely contrived as yourself; yet, I must say that I found more peace in following the teachings of Chicken Joe than I found in following any other deity. To each his own, as they say.
Thus, I will not be able to invest my funds into your church. I do wish you the best in your endeavor though as I hope you do the same for me and my brethren...or is it chickren?
As they say in the Church of Chicken, "May the cluck be with you, my brother!"
-Colonel Sanders
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