Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tiny Dancer

Letter from Scammer
This is to notify you that your  e-mail has won One million United Staes Dollars in the recent Publishing Clearing House  Sweepstakes, please reply  immediately to collect your winnings. Please Send Your Info, Name, Address, Phone Number. 
You will be given more details by our announcement centre when you send them your reply .

Charles Rogers
My Response
What a wonderful thing to have happened to me!

You see, I have always wanted to be a ballet dancer. From the time I was a small boy, I wanted this. My father would drop me off at the youth center to play basketball with the other boys, but I would always sneak into the dance room.
It's not that I was a butt vandal. Not at all. I love women! But I love to dance as well. Yet, back in those days any boy that dreamed of wearing tights and hopping around on stage doing pirouettes was automatically labeled a dong hound.

I took up various other jobs in order to prove that I was manly. The first one was being a male model. I was able to be out in the sun and do a lot of swimming.
Turns out that being a dancer is just a shade less manly than being a male model though, so I quickly moved on.

My next stint was to be a bumper sitter. That's when you sit, typically with two other fellas, on the back bumper of a bus. I'm not sure why, to be honest. Originally, the man I interviewed with said that I'd be working with metal, but me and the other two fellas hired that day ended up sitting all the time on the bumper until we finally got fired.
 That's me on the right. My pals Irv and Moishi sat with me.
I tried being a company photographer, but never got the hang of it. I just couldn't seem to keep the camera steady on the person's face. This was especially true with men for some reason.
Over the next couple of decades I took odd jobs, but was never quite happy. My father had passed away in the mid-70's. I had gotten a call from my mom that he wasn't doing well. I rushed home from a club and found him sitting up in his easy chair. He took one look at me and had a heart attack right then and there.
It was a very sad day and I made the decision to be a straight-laced fella from then on. No more crazy thoughts of dancing or male modeling or anything of the sort. Instead, I dedicated the next 40 years to working in a factory just like my old man had when I was growing up. I had a couple of kids who turned out tough like my father.
Unfortunately, they were both adopted as my wife, who was simply an angel, could not have children and was adamantly opposed to going to an infertility doctor...though I never knew why. She also never went to a gynecologist. Instead, she went to a urologist. She said that gynecologists never quite understood her special needs. I think it was just because she was shy. We only made love with the lights out and her facing away from me. All i know is that she was the prettiest lady I'd ever laid eyes on.
She passed away a few years ago, though, and I started seeing that my time was coming to an end also.

I looked over my life and I wanted to kick myself for not doing the one thing that I truly wanted to do: dance. But my bank account is mostly depleted and so I felt that my dream would remain unfulfilled.

Then I saw your email and it said that I won a million dollars. Well, I ran out and got my outfit and booked my first lesson in over 50 years! 
Thank you so much for helping an old man's dream finally come true.

Gaylord D. Ancer

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